The Metamorphosis of AHA Hyperbarics
Shiny and smooth, strong yet lightweight, a crisp white cocoon enables a silkworm to achieve its transformation.
The cocoon is naturally made of three layers, providing a healthy environment for the pupa inside to evolve into a whole new being. Taking bioinspiration from the mysterious world of silkworms when designing AHA hyperbaric chambers, made our company evolve in time as well.
How diving drove us to innovation
The idea to develop innovative hyperbaric oxygen therapy technology came as a natural extension of our long careers in scuba diving, physics, engineering, and electronics.
During our diving years we acquired a great deal of respect for the magic of underwater pressure on the human body.
Sometimes, a diving trainee or a friend would apologise for not being able to go diving that day. They would complain of a migraine, the other one would feel some back pain, and there would be somebody complaining about something else. If they felt up to the challenge, we’d help them suit up and take them diving anyway.
In the end, those dives ended up being the best ones. Coming back to the surface, people jumped with joy, feeling so much better than before. No more migraines, no more aches and pains.
Even back then, we knew the many positive health effects that diving could offer and had always promoted diving for its natural healing capabilities and awe-inspiring experiences. Diving made us feel fresh and rejuvenated every time. But seeing all these people feeling themselves again made us realise we were on to something precious. And then we thought: this is an experience everybody should have. This is something we need to share with the world!