#Product Trends
Andrew, the Pipetting Robot
The Andrew product family is unique in the liquid handling arena: it consists of portable, ready to use companion robots using conventional pipettes that can be used anywhere, with little to no training.
Weighing only 10 kg and with a minimum footprint corresponding to a standard sheet of paper, Andrew can coexist and work in a standard laboratory environment without a complex installation: on your workbench, under a hood, and even in a refrigerator at 4°C.
The working deck, known as DOMINO™, allows users to perform small to complex experiments in which the robot adapts itself to the experiment size. A simple experiment using a single microplate is possible, as is an experiment using 10 microplates (or 150 microtubes, or 100 tubes, or any mixture of different consumables).
Andrew also adapts to the user’s consumables including microplates, tips, and tubes. The system allows the user to control the consumables choice – instead of mandating certain brands or high priced products.
Three models are currently available:
Andrew 1000G: using 5 Gilson PipetMan Classic pipettes, covering a range from 0.2 uL to 1000 uL
Andrew 1000R: using 5 Rainin Pipet-Lite pipettes, covering a range from 0.2 uL to 1000 uL
Andrew 10KR: using 3 Rainin Pipet-Lite pipettes, covering a range from 10 uL to 10000 uL
A vast and continuously expanding choice of Dominos allows Andrew to work with various consumables.