#Industry News
Magnetotherapy – effects of the magnetic field in the treatment of non-union
Magnetic Miracles: Pioneering the Path to Healing Non-Union – Unveiling the Transformative Effects of Magnetotherapy on Bone Repair and Recovery.
From 5 to 10% of long bone fractures leads to delayed union. Non-unions can be radiographically classified into hypertrophic or atrophic.
Application of the magnetotherapy in the treatment of non-union
The classical studies on the effectiveness of the application of alternating magnetic field for delayed bone union include observations of Bassett, Pilli and Pawluk, who as the first published the results of their observations conducted in patients who failed to achieve bone union through traditional healing method of osteosynthesis and who were largely threatened with amputation. Among the group of 29 patients, they applied the 75 Hz magnetic field for a period of one month. After this period the bone union was achieved in 25 observed patients.