#Product Trends
Transcranial Doppler and cerebral autoregulation
Atys medical is proud to announce that OptiMAP runs on WAKIe transcranial Doppler
OptiMAP® is a clinical research software developed to allow the physicians and researchers to easily assess the autoregulation (AR) status of the patient.
Two OptiMAP versions are available:
OptiMAP Neuro is intended to assess autoregulation in neuro intensive care patients from intracranial pressure monitoring (ICP) or transcranial Doppler mean velocity (MV). MV and ICP are continuously correlated with the mean arterial pressure (MAP) to calculate PRx (Pressure Reactivity index) and Mx (Mean Velocity Reactivity index). Both indices have been largely described in the literature in particular by Czosnyka et al (Cambridge UK group) for more than 30 years.
OptiMAP ICU and OR (Operating Room) is intended to assess autoregulation for patients without brain injury and especially for cardiac surgery patients. To assess AR, this version uses Mx (same assessment as in OptiMAP Neuro) and/or ORx (oxygen reactivity index) assessed with the continuous correlation between the NIRS values and the MAP.
OptiMAP® software can be used online on the WAKIe– Atys transcranial Doppler (TCD) – or offline on a PC under Windows. For both uses, the features are the same.