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#Product Trends

Range of application of the new AT2000 clinical audiometer

AURITEC is setting new standards in clinical audiometry with the AT2000. In this blog, AURITEC CEO Jan Mody explains what you can look forward to.

In the following blog entries, I will regularly report on the scientific background to this development, for example, and then explain the situations that our customers have described to us, which they are facing and which they hope we can solve. In further episodes, I would like to discuss possible set-ups that you can implement with the AT2000 audiometer and that could help you in your clinical routine. I will show you which common speech procedures are already available for multi-channel applications and then go into more detail on the interaction between direct implant connection and multi-channel capability.

My aim in these articles is to show you these new ways and encourage you to think about what can be done with them in your profession. After all, these possibilities did not exist before, and I am convinced that we will find many new applications together.


  • Dernauer Str., 22047 Hamburg-Wandsbek, Germany
  • Auritec GmbH