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How picosecond lasers are revolutionizing tattoo removal?

beauty salon /beauty clinic /Aesthetics /spa

How many people regret getting that tattoo they thought would love forever? Don't worry, as the latest innovation in laser technology has arrived - picosecond laser machines, with the highest output power, fastest speed, and deepest wavelength on the market. Get ready to discover the future of laser technology for a flawless complexion and ink-free skin!

With picosecond technology, a high amount of energy can be released in an extremely short time. This energy shatters the tattoo ink into much smaller particles that are more readily absorbed and eliminated by the body. Unlike traditional lasers that emit heat, Picosecond lasers release energy in extremely short bursts without causing damage to surrounding skin tissues, enabling us to treat a wider range of skin types and tattoos of multiple colors.


  • Beijing, China
  • Beijing ADSS Development