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#Product Trends

What are the advantages of lasershape?

beauty salon /beauty clinic /Aesthetics /spa

Using the continuous emission of laser energy at 1060nm wavelength, Lasershape will achieve maximum energy absorption and increase the local temperature of the fat tissue by 42°to 47°, permanently destroying its structural integrity, while continuous cooling eliminates any adverse effects on the skin superstructure. The brief procedure causes permanent and irreversible damage to 10% of the fatty tissue in one average application, without pain and any side effects on the skin. Immediately after treatment, the body naturally eliminates damaged fat cells over time, usually with noticeable results seen soon.

Unique advantages for your beauty spa with ADSS Lasershape:

1.Non-invasive technology and no damage to surrounding tissue

2.Advanced and powerful cooling control system for comfortable and safety treatment

3. Constant Temperature controllable with real time monitoring skin temperature, elevates adipose tissue temperature between 42°C and 47°C

4. Stable high energy output ensures efficiency treatment result

5. Versatile applicators to fit a variety of body shapes and sizes v


  • Beijing, China
  • Beijing ADSS Development

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