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Special advantages of EM BELLA

beauty salon /beauty clinic /Aesthetics /spa

EM BELLA is unique among intimate health treatments as it offers a breakthrough treatment for incontinence and highly successful results in a completely non-invasive treatment. This unique technology revolutionizes intimate health and wellness by providing those suffering from incontinence with a completely non-invasive option that may help them regain their confidence.

EM BELLA uses HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) frequencies to cause deep and intense pelvic-floor muscle contractions and releases, which causes the muscles to contract and makes the treatment a brilliant alternative to traditional kegel exercises. Muscles are given a workout equivalent to 12,000 kegel exercises per treatment session with EM BELLA, helping your incontinent patients regain their confidence. It is so effective as it contracts the pelvic floor muscles to the maximal level. As the treatment targets the pelvic floor muscles directly and doesn’t require neuromuscular control, they can contract far more than they would consciously, creating the highly effective results that we see from our patients that simply can’t be achieved using manual kegel exercises alone.


  • Beijing, China
  • Beijing ADSS Development
