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Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Kit (APTT)

coagulation, hemostasis and thrombosis

APTT measurement is the most commonly used clinically sensitive screening test to reflect the coagulation activity of the endogenous coagulation system. It is used to detect endogenous coagulation factor defects and related inhibitors and to screen the phenomenon of activated protein C resistance. It has a wide range of applications in terms of inspection, monitoring of heparin therapy, early diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and preoperative examination.

Clinical significance

APTT is a coagulation function test index that reflects the endogenous coagulation pathway, especially the comprehensive activity of coagulation factors in the first stage. It is widely used to screen and determine the defects of coagulation factors in the endogenous pathway, such as factor Ⅺ , Ⅷ, Ⅸ, it can also be used for preliminary screening diagnosis of bleeding diseases and laboratory monitoring of heparin anticoagulation therapy.

1. Prolonged: can be seen in hemophilia A, hemophilia B, liver disease, intestinal sterilization syndrome, oral anticoagulants, diffuse intravascular coagulation, mild hemophilia; FXI, FXII deficiency; blood Anticoagulant substances (coagulation factor inhibitors, lupus anticoagulants, warfarin or heparin) increased; large amounts of stored blood were transfused.

2. Shorten: It can be seen in hypercoagulable state, thromboembolic diseases, etc.

Reference range of normal value

The normal reference value of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT): 27-45 seconds.


1. Avoid specimen hemolysis. The hemolyzed specimen contains phospholipids released by the rupture of the mature red blood cell membrane, which makes the APTT lower than the measured value of the non-hemolyzed specimen.

2. Patients should not engage in strenuous activities within 30 minutes before receiving blood sampling.

3. After collecting the blood sample, gently shake the test tube containing the blood sample 3 to 5 times in order to fully fuse the blood sample with the anticoagulant in the test tube.

4. The blood samples should be sent for examination as soon as possible.


  • 27 Chuangxin Rd, Changping Qu, Beijing Shi, China, 102249
  • Mary Meng