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#Industry News

Blood coagulation tests for APTT and PT reagent

coagulation, hemostasis and thrombosis

Two key blood coagulation studies, activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time (PT), both help determine the cause of coagulation abnormalities.

To keep the blood in a liquid state,The body must perform a delicate balancing act. Circulating blood contains two blood components, procoagulant, which promotes blood coagulation, and anticoagulant, which inhibits coagulation, to maintain blood flow. However, when a blood vessel is damaged and the balance is disturbed, procoagulant collects in the damaged area and blood clotting begins. The process of blood coagulation is a link-by-link, and it can be activated by any two coagulation systems in parallel, intrinsic or extrinsic. The endogenous system is activated when blood contacts collagen or damaged endothelium. The extrinsic system is activated when damaged tissue releases certain coagulation substances such as thromboplastin. The final common path of the two systems leading to the condensation apex. When this coagulation process, although it appears to be instantaneous, two key diagnostic tests, activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time (PT), can be performed. Doing these tests helps to make a substantial diagnosis of all coagulation abnormalities. Details please refer to our website:


  • Changping District, Beijing, China
  • Beijing Succeeder Technology Inc.