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#Industry News

808 Nm Laser Diode Portable Whole Body Hair Removal Beauty Machine

laser hair removal/beauty salon machine /beauty clinic /Aesthetics

Are you tired of constantly shaving or waxing unwanted hair? Laser hair removal may be the answer to your woes. One of the most effective and long-lasting methods of hair reduction, laser hair removal uses a beam of light to target and destroy the hair follicle, preventing regrowth.

One type of laser commonly used for hair removal is the diode laser. This machine emits a specific wavelength of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, effectively destroying it. Unlike older laser technologies, the diode laser can be used on a range of skin types and hair colors, making it a versatile option for hair removal.

But what should you expect when undergoing diode laser hair removal? Prior to your treatment, it's important to avoid sun exposure and self-tanning products, as these can increase the risk of complications. You may also be asked to shave the area being treated prior to the session.

During the actual treatment, you may feel a slight discomfort as the laser pulses against your skin. This sensation is often described as a rubber band snapping against the skin. However, most patients report a tolerable experience and appreciate the quick treatment time.

It's important to note that multiple sessions are usually required for optimal results, as the hair grows in different stages and the laser can only effectively target hair in the active growth phase. On average, patients need 6-8 treatments spaced around 6-8 weeks apart to achieve the desired effect.

After treatment, you may experience some mild redness or irritation in the treatment area, but this typically resolves within a few hours to a few days. It's also important to avoid sun exposure and to wear sunscreen to protect the treated area.

Overall, diode laser hair removal is a safe and effective option for long-term hair reduction. If you're interested in this treatment, be sure to consult with a trained and licensed provider who can help determine if it's right for you.


  • Beijing, China
  • Beijing VCA Laser