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CO2 fractional laser treatment for age spots and flat warts

fractional CO2 laser for skin rejuvenation

CO2 fractional laser is a type of laser output, CO2 refers to its working substance and ultra-pulsed refers to the ability of the CO2 laser treatment machine to deliver pulsed output with a very short pulse width of less than 2 milliseconds. CO2 fractional laser technology is a focal photothermal laser treatment (a form of laser operation) that is between the efficacy and safety of ablative and non-ablative lasers. The efficacy is close to that of an ablative laser, but the safety is closer to that of a non-ablative laser.

Bvlaser is the best CO2 fractional laser machine supplier, we have fractional CO2 laser for skin rejuvenation sale.

The difference between ablative fractional laser and non-ablative fractional laser

After treatment with a fractional ablative co2 laser, a ablative focal photothermal effect is produced that includes the entire epidermis and the dermis at various depths, with the healing process relying on the rapid crawling of the surrounding keratin-forming cells. Studies have shown that partial or complete epithelialisation of tissue is visible 6h and 12h after exfoliative fractional laser treatment, with the epidermis healing within 24h. As the dermis heals and repairs, new collagen is produced and the dermal collagen remodelling extends well beyond the MTZ area, which explains the superior efficacy of the ablative fractional laser over the non-ablative fractional laser.

The non-ablative fractional laser does not damage the epidermal stratum corneum during treatment. The treated epidermal layer is coagulated but not vaporised, and the microscopic columnar micro-epidermal thermal necrosis (MEND) that results includes the epidermal tissue below the stratum corneum and the dermal tissue at various depths. The skin barrier function, of which the stratum corneum is the main component, is preserved, resulting in faster healing and fewer complications such as infections. Within 24h of treatment, the active cells around the MEND and in the deeper layers begin to migrate and repair the MEND, while the microscopic epidermal necrotic debris formed begins to migrate to the surface of the skin and is eliminated via the epidermis within 3-7 d. The heating of the deeper dermis by the CO2 laser induces dermal collagen contraction and stimulates new collagen synthesis to achieve skin rejuvenation.

CO2 fractional laser for age spots and warts

The CO2 laser actually emits a gas laser with a wavelength of 10600, whose target material is the water in the skin, which can vaporize the tissues for treatment purposes. CO2 laser has various functions such as burning and cutting, and can treat many kinds of skin swellings such as moles, warts and tumours. CO2 laser will form multiple vaporisation zones on the skin, and there will be certain thermal vaporisation zones around it. If there are scarring or smaller Fine lines can be reduced by hitting the skin with the CO2 laser to break the collagen fibres and stimulate them to be repaired, which can result in a reduction in the thickness of the scar, a remodelling of the scar pattern, and a reduction and remodelling of fine wrinkles.

The CO2 laser treatment of age spots and flat warts is a rapid (less than 1 minute), non-bleeding and minimally invasive procedure. The laser spot is the size of a pinpoint, and under the doctor's steady control, CO2 full face laser resurfacing can precisely destroy only the rash without damaging the surrounding skin, making it the easiest, quickest and safest treatment option at the best value for money.


  • Zhengzhou, Henan, China
  • Bvlaser