#Product Trends
Launch of UIBC reagent
BioSystems S.A. launches a new reagent for measurement of UNSATURATED IRON BINDING CAPACITY (UIBC) in serum and plasma. BioSystems now offers the direct method for measuring the Iron Binding Capacity.
In contrast to the our current precipitant method IBC -the name of this reagent is changed from IRON BINDING CAPACITY to TOTAL IRON BINDING CAPACITY (TIBC)- the measurements with the new reagent UIBC are fully automated and don’t require any manual precipitation process.
Sum of Iron concentration and UIBC represents the Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC).
A decrease in Iron Binding Capacity may be due to an hemochromatosis, acute iron poisoning, active cirrhosis or acute hepatitis. Iron binding capacity is usually increased in Anemia by Iron deficiency.
BioSystems introduces this method (Ferrozine - differential bireagent) in its portfolio for both manual and automated systems.
Different presentations are available:
• Manual (50 mL; ref. 11835),
• Ax5 (50 mL; ref. 12835)
• BA400 (150 mL; ref. 21835).
It’s calibrated using our serum based calibrators: Biochemistry Calibrator and Biochemistry Calibrator Human, and it uses our Biochemistry Control Serum to verify the performance of the measurement procedure.