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#Product Trends

ASKIR 118 - new products

It is specifically designed for use in ambulance car and emergency.

Large LCD for clear reading of vacuum values along with soft keys for vacuum adjustment increase the accuracy of aspiration. Smart operation thanks to the combination of the lightweight lithium-ion battery with the innovating FEEDBACK system that

controls and manages the power of aspiration, providing a long autonomy of the battery and quiet noise level during operation.

The PROXIMITY function to switch ON or OFF the device without touch prevents and avoids cross-contamination in-between patients.

The unit is equipped with a long-life brushless motor eliminating any type of smell and coal residuals.

The ASKIR 118 series is available with various options of jar materials, such as

the autoclavable policarbonate (121°C), or the FLOVAC® disposable liners, or the APEC® that can resist up to 143°C. 10g dynamically tested according to the EN 1789:2007 European Norm.


  • CA-MI
