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#Industry News

Retinal Organoids for single-cell RNA-Sequencing

Opthalmic Oncology & Genetics Group; Institute of Human Genetics

The clinical research group “Ophthalmic Oncology and Genetics” was set up on this basis. The special outpatient clinics in the eye and children‘s clinic as well as in human genetics form the basis of the research group. On this basis, a network of scientific projects was built up in three project areas, which deal with questions from the intersection of clinical and basic research.

"Handling of Cellbox flight was easy

and convenient.

There was no difference in

appearance of the retinal organoids

before and after the transport."


An organoid is an in vitro 3D cellular cluster derived from primary tissue, embryonic stem cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells, capable of self-renewal and self-organization, and exhibiting similar organ functionality as the tissue of origin. The 3D hPSC-derived Retinal organoids are one application of this novel model. This project summarises the transport of these complex structures and subsequent evaluation for single-cell RNA-sequencing. Single-cell sequencing refers to the sequencing of a single-cell genome or transcriptome, to obtain genomic, transcriptome or other multi-omics information to reveal cell population differences and cellular evolutionary relationships. It requires the isolation and lysis of single cells, conversion of their RNA into cDNA, and the amplification of cDNA to generate.

- Opthalmic Oncology & Genetics Group; Institute of Human Genetics

November, 2020



  • Borsteler Chaussee 85-99A, 22453 Hamburg, Germany
  • Cellbox Solutions GmbH