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Is DICOM important for healthcare facilities?

Is DICOM important for healthcare facilities?

DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) is a standard protocol for managing and transmitting medical images and all allied data used in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Image Archiving and Communication Systems; It is the name given to the software or networks used to store, retrieve, distribute, and present images.

Medical images are stored in a format independent of PACS systems. The most used format for storing medical images is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). The DICOM standard defines ways to format and process medical images and image-related information to facilitate the interconnection of medical devices and systems.

Supported by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association), the DICOM Standard was developed due to the joint efforts of manufacturers and users of medical imaging and healthcare information technology.

What is the purpose of using DICOM in healthcare facilities?

Medical images and the other information collected can provide physicians with a database of regular patient scans for later reference. In line with DICOM, imaging information systems have broadly eliminated the need for film-based images and the physical storage of these items. Instead, medical images and related non-image data can be stored digitally securely within the healthcare facility or in the cloud.

DICOM is used to ensure the interoperability of systems used to produce, store, share, display, send, query, process, retrieve and print medical images and manage related workflows.

Is DICOM important for healthcare facilities?

With DICOM, doctors have easier access to images and reports, potentially allowing them to diagnose anywhere in the world. In turn, patients receive more efficient care.

DICOM enables medical imaging devices (from multiple manufacturers) to store and transmit medical images. Patient data and associated images are exchanged and stored in a standard format. Without a standards-based approach, sharing data between different display devices will not be manageable as they need to interpret multiple image formats.

Is Artech Medical Computer Product Group DICOM compatible?

Medical PC and Digital Negatoscope & Telemedicine Computer in our Artech Medical Computer product group are compatible with the DICOM standard. For detailed information about Artech Medical Computer product group;


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