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#Product Trends

Bed Bath and the Infectious Risk

Bed bath can be a source of contamination for patients as well for caregivers.

During a traditional bed bath, the basin and water can be major sources of bacterial contamination and it is proved that 62% to 98% of bathing basins are contaminated (1).

It is thus a major risk especially for frail or immunosuppressed patients. In addition, the mechanical friction during a traditional bath deposits cutaneous flora in the basin, which may result in the presence of SMRSA, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, E. Coli and many other pathogens that have been detected in the bathwater and in the environment (nurses’ gloved hands, objects handled, towels, etc)(1).

Tap water may also be a potential source of waterborne nosocomial infections.(3)


  • 1800 Route des Bleuets, 76430 Étainhus, France
  • Didactic