#Product Trends
Household Medical Waste Disposal Policy in Israel
The relevance of the study of the Israel market is caused by the fact that nowadays each inhabitant of the globe accounts for more than 300 kg of accumulated medical waste, and Israel is no exception. This number is growing daily.
Proper waste disposal is the principal measure to prevent the spread of various infections. However, organizations engaged in medical activities today, face a lot of challenges when it comes to medical and biological waste disposal (violations of the norms and waste disposal rules) which intensively pollute the environment. When producing professional equipment for waste disposal, Eco-Spectrum company is primarily guided by established international standards and rules. The first batch of the VOLKAN series incinerator was sent to Israel for the disposal of biological, laboratory and medical waste. We provided the client with the best price on the world market, high quality in accordance with European standards and a short transportation time Krasnodar (Russia) – Tel Aviv (Israel).
VOLKAN series incinerators are equipped with automation and remote control system. The system has a memory card and time tracking, registration of performance indicators. Concrete lining, and lightweight afterburner chamber, sandblasted chamber, painting and welding quality ensures high-importance resistance and meets the requirements of climatic performance.
Summary: «Household Medical Waste Disposal Policy in Israel»
Households accumulate a large amount of expired and unused medicines. This potentially puts the population at risk through uncontrolled drug use. Most of the expired or unused medicines that accumulate in households (household medical waste) are thrown into the trash or flushed down the drain, potentially contaminating wastewater, water resources and even drinking water. There is evidence that pharmaceutical active ingredients are released into the environment, including food, but the public health risk from low levels of environmental exposure to pharmaceuticals is currently unknown. There is no legislation in Israel regarding the collection and disposal of household medical waste. In addition, only less than 14% of Israelis return unused medicines to pharmacies, according to the Health Organization.