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#Product Trends

Nursing Intelligent Information Board

nurse call system

The intelligent patient information board system is a customized reminder module based on the characteris-tics of the department. The displayed content is inseparable from the daily work of the nurse.

The intelligent patient information board system is connected with the hospital HIlS system to release the work reminder information and patient information of the ward nursing in real time, reducing the daily work load of the nurses,eliminating the need for nurses to check the doctor's orders or related information and let the nurses have more time to serve patients and improve work efficiency.Accurate and timely release information on ward nursing work, reduce nurse workload, and improve sharing of ward nursing information. Improve the efficiency of nursing management by applying the "visual management" tool.


  • Lu Tian Lu, Yue Lu Qu, Chang Sha Shi, Hu Nan Sheng, China, 410205
  • Hunan Eter Medical Co., Ltd.