#Product Trends
Dynamic Image Analysis – the fast alternative to sieving!
Results in less than 5 minutes in a measuring range from 5 µm – 20 mm!
If you conduct frequent sieve analyses, the Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer is the ideal, time-saving alternative in just three steps: Add the sample, start the measurement, read the result. Without a preparatory and final weighing, sieve stack assembly or time-consuming cleaning. And with substantially reduced follow-up costs, as there is no need to calibrate or purchase new sieves. Additionally, you receive besides the equivalent results about the particle size distribution, also valuable statements about the particle shape. The measuring time depending on the sample quantity, is under 5 minutes and the result is available immediately and digitally for further processing.
Your advantages compared to classical sieving
- Short measuring times of less than 5 minutes
- No time-consuming manual weighing
- Fast and safe cleaning of the measuring system
- Result immediately available due to the software
- Easy handling
Display of measurement results according your specifications
The freely configurable report generator enables the automatic display of the results clearly arranged on the screen – either as a Cloud, as a cumulative curve, as a bar chart or in tabular form. Or define a layout according to your sieve analysis. The displayed results can be printed as you set it up on the screen.
Different samples can be compared immediately
Display several measurements simultaneously in one graph and immediately see the differences between the respective samples. Direct visual evaluation - ingeniously simple, uniquely flexible.
Wide range of applications
- Dry measurement of powders and bulk solids - measuring range 20 μm - 20 mm
- Wet measurement of suspensions and emulsions - measuring range 5 µm - 3 mm
Extensive sizing reports of various industries can be found here: www.fritsch-international.com/particle-sizing/sizing-reports/
Get to know the ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer:
- Video: The special features of the FRITSCH Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer and how it works – please have a look: www.youtube.com/embed/nEYM6YQNPho?rel=0
- Virtual application consultation: Experience the FRITSCH particle sizing instruments virtually directly at your workplace. Make your appointment now: www.fritsch-international.com/appointment
- Personal consultation: Our experienced application consultant Maik Paluga - paluga@fritsch.de – Phone +49 6784 70-188 will discuss your specific application with you and answer all your questions regarding particle sizing.
Up-dated information on FRITSCH particle sizing technology – from Dynamic Image Analysis to Static Light Scattering at www.fritsch-international.com/particle-sizing.