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#Industry News

Treatment of Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy

A natural approach for sure results

Vaginal atrophy is thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls that may occur when the body has less estrogen. Vaginal atrophy occurs most often after menopause. For many women, vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful but also leads to distressing urinary symptoms.

Through the specific VENUSIAN clinical protocol, aimed to treat exact points in the vulvo-vaginal area, it is possible to reach:

- an improved aesthetic appearance as the tissue regains plumpness,

- an improved vaginal tone and improved functionality,

- an improved lubrification due to increased circulation in the area,

- an improved sensitivity in the area, with improved orgasm

- a reduced dryness and irritation due to improved circulation

This is a lunch break procedure, the patient can return immediately to normal activities after the treatment. The effects are cumulative.


  • Via Castiglione, 99, 40136 Bologna BO, Italy
  • MBE R&D Dept.