#Product Trends
GSI Corti™ - Portable, battery-operated OAE screener
The new GSI Corti™ is a portable, battery-operated diagnostic and screening instrument that measures Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) in infants, children and adults. Offering the ability to rapidly screen newborns, the Corti meets recommended screening protocols and provides diagnostic OAE testing.
The Corti offers maximum speed and flexibility with pre-defined and user-defined protocols for Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAEs) and Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAEs) measurements. The Corti is accurate, fast, easy-to-use and reliable.
From turning on the system to completing results in both ears - all is accomplished with 3 button presses. The four button design ensures logical screening and diagnostic testing that may be performed with minimal training. The color display provides intuitive data interpretation. Friendly screen prompts guide the operator to the next logical step such as printing or transferring the data to the Corti Data Manager.