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#Trade Shows & Events

HBD Helps the Belt and Road and BRICS Skills Development and Technological Innovation Competition—The Fourth 3D Printing Modeling

The Fourth 3D Printing Modeling was successfully held in Kaifeng, Henan Province from July 8th to 11th, 2022.

Players from 51 teams from 5 countries competed in the field of 3D printing, fully demonstrating the cutting-edge technical skills with Industry 4.0 as the core. The world Skills Competition adopts the method of "combining cutting and teaching". The competition planning is scientific and reasonable, and the link design is meticulous and standardized, providing an international competition platform for 3D printing modeling technology innovation for competitors.

This competition is a large-scale competition for the cultivation of laser technology talents under the background of the "Belt and Road" and "BRICS" international cooperation era. HBD actively responded to the call and participated in it. Through the competition and exchanges of players from all over the world, the new industrial revolution partnership of the BRICS countries as the main line, the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries as the link, the cutting-edge technology and skills as the theme, and the "future skills to create the future" as the guide, the 3D printing technology and industrial development achievements will be fully displayed, leading the cultivation of talents in short supply of AM and the professional transformation and upgrading of colleges and universities, and promoting the transformation of competition results and international cooperation between industry, university, research and application.

HBD, as one of the co-organizers of the event and also the only brand sponsor of metal 3D printing equipment, provided a number of high-efficiency, safe and stable HBD-150H industrial-grade metal AM equipment, operation guidance and technical support to ensure that the contestants play the best level and the success of the event.

HBD-150H was highly appreciated and recognized by the organizing committee of the competition, and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Contribution Award". HBD-150H adopts disc design, forming size of φ159mm×120mm, equipped with efficient and safe independent atmosphere purification system, sealed gloves, reserved powder adding and suction interface of sealed chamber, can be used for powder adding and powder cleaning operations without opening the chamber, providing a safe and stable metal printing scheme. It is suitable for medical treatment, handwork, education, scientific research and personalized customization.

HBD has always been committed to the professional construction and cooperation in all aspects of "production, learning, research, competition, training and examination". Through the competition, we will further popularize metal 3D printing technology in vocational colleges and promote the construction of metal AM specialty in various colleges and universities as well as the training of 3D printing professionals, to provide more high-quality skilled talents for promoting industrial economic transformation.


  • Minhang District, China, 201109
  • Guangdong Hanbang 3D Tech Co., Ltd.

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