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#Industry News

Recombinant proteins (P27, CD2v) used to distinguish African Swine Fever virus from vaccine virus

Recombinant proteins (P27, CD2v) used to distinguish African Swine Fever virus from vaccine virus

African swine fever is an acute, febrile, highly contagious infectious disease of pigs caused by African swine fever virus infection. The main clinical symptoms are high fever, skin cyanosis, extensive bleeding in lymph nodes and organs, and the fatality rate can be as high as 100%.

ASFV is a large double-stranded DNA virus, belonging to the family of African swine fever-associated viruses, and is the only known DNA arbovirus. ASFV has a full length of 170kbp-190kbp, which encodes 150 open reading frames. Mass spectrometry has identified 68 structural proteins related to the virion. The CD2v protein encoded by EP402R gene is about 41 ku in size, and it is mainly expressed in the later stage of ASFV infection. CD2v is a glycoprotein with sequence homology to CD2, the adhesion receptor on the surface of T lymphocytes. Its extracellular amino terminal has two immunoglobulin-like domains, and the amino acid sequence of the intracellular carboxyl terminal is the same as the CD2 intracellular region. Different [1].

There have been decades of research on African swine fever vaccines worldwide, but there is still no widely effective and commercially available vaccine. Among them, the gene deletion vaccine synthesized by reverse genetic technology can be used to distinguish between vaccine immunity and wild virus infection of pigs, including CD2v.

Generally, 3 genes can be detected to distinguish between ASF wild virus and vaccine virus. After detecting ASF virus with P72 gene, CD2v gene or MGF360 gene or both genes are used to detect whether the infection is wild virus or vaccine. All three genes of wild virus are positive, and CD2v/MGF360 of vaccine virus is negative.


[2]王雨佳,迟立超,徐黎晖,李宝春,梁臻妮,陈西钊.非洲猪瘟病毒CD2v重组蛋白真核表达及单克隆抗体的制备[J].中国动物传染病学报ISSN 1674-6422,CN 31-2031/S 2021.


  • Xiasha District, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  •  Immuno Biotech