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#Product Trends

Hingmed Blood Pressure Station | Workflow

1. Input the patient’s identification information into the software system of Hingmed BP station by barcode scanning or card reading.

2. Click "Start measurement" in the Blood Pressure management software. The software transmits the instruction to DBP-01P. DBP-01P receives the instruction and starts measurement.

3.After the measurement, the BP data will be uploaded from the BPM to the BP management system and displayed on the interface, then the patient's identity information and blood pressure reading are stored in the system in one-to-one correspondence.

4.The BP management system transmits patients' identity information and blood pressure reading to #HIS by connecting with the HIS.

Hingmed Blood Pressure Station, upload blood pressure reading and patient ID to HIS for EMR.


  • Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
  • Shenzhen Hingmed Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.