#Product Trends
Easi-Scan Curve : Curved for a deeper and wider image
With Easi-Scan Curve you get a wide field of view with great depth. This ultrasound scanner helps you make a more accurate bovine pregnancy diagnosis between 30 and 60 days.
It has numerous other applications, including abdominal inspection of other ruminant species.
Deeper penetration
The Easi-Scan Curve probe technology penetrates much deeper than the traditional linear probe. The greater depth allows you to see later pregnancies. For example, to determine foetal age by measuring eye socket diameter at 60 days.
Robust and reliable
The probe is fixed and sealed. This means it’s more durable and it doesn’t suffer the connection failures that other scanners do. Unlike other scanners, it has been designed for farm animals and tough on-farm conditions.
Small and portable
The scanner is light. You carry it comfortably on your hip, so your hands are free and there’s no strain on your neck, shoulders and back.
Excellent image quality
The probe has a 60 mm radius and a 60º curve to give you a wide field of view and up to 24 cm depth, with detailed image information at near and deep range. The 128 crystals probe produces 40 frames per second across 16 digital channels, so there’s no lag or image loss when scanning rapidly.