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What is hysteroscopy

What is hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is also known as Uteroscopy

A procedure performed to look inside the uterus using a thin lighted tube.

Type: Imaging

Duration: Usually 5-30 mins

Results available: Almost immediate

Conditions it may diagnose: Uterine fibroids · Endometrial polyp · Adenomyosis of the uterus · Menorrhagia · Uterine cancer and more

Is Invasive: Invasive

Ability to confirm condition: High

Ability to rule out condition: High


The doctor may order blood tests and a pregnancy test about a week before the procedure.

Do not eat or drink for a few hours before the procedure if you are getting a general anesthesia.

Stop smoking before the procedure to reduce risk of complications from the anesthesia.

During the test

Change to a hospital gown and lie on the exam table with feet positioned in stirrups.

A speculum is inserted into the vagina to hold it open. The vagina and cervix are cleaned using antiseptic.

The hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus through the cervix and a gas or saline is pumped in to get a clear view of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Risks and complications

Complications if any are not common, and include:


Heavy bleeding

Scarring of the uterus

Side effects from the anesthesia

Side effects from the gas or fluid filling the uterus

Pelvic inflammatory disease

If you notice fever, severe abdominal pain, chills or heavy bleeding, see a doctor

What is hysteroscopy


  • Taizhou, Jiangsu, China
  • Jiangsu Jiyuan Medical Technology