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#Industry News

Quality Makes All the Difference

JDMED Always Maintain a High Degree of Vigilance and Responsibility for Quality Control

On July 1, 2024, General Manager Feng Zhiyu and Deputy General Manager Yang Jing of JDMED gave a passionate speech at the company's product quality seminar, emphasizing the importance of "Quality makes all the difference"!

Yang Jing said: "At the daily production morning meeting, managers must analyze the quality problems that occurred and encountered in the previous day's production, and deeply analyze the harmfulness of these quality problems, so that everyone can fully realize that once unqualified products leave the factory, they will not only have a huge negative impact on the company, but also damage the interests of users. Then analyze the causes of these quality problems, trace them layer by layer, clarify quality responsibilities, and find loopholes; on this basis, analyze the measures that should be taken and implement them to improve deficiencies in a timely manner. The entire activity process must truly ensure that the causes are not let go, the quality responsibilities are not let go, and the corrective measures are not let go. Strive to improve quality a little bit every day."

At the end of the meeting, Feng Zhiyu emphasized: "Quality control in the production process is either improving or declining. For long-term stability in quality management, managers must always maintain a high degree of vigilance and responsibility."

Quality Makes All the Difference


  • Laotingzhen, Laoting County, Tangshan, Hebei, China, 063600