#Industry News
AVSAB Position Statement on Positive Veterinary Care.
AVSAB Position Statement on Positive Veterinary Care. Every veterinarian visit is a test of your pet's emotions. We should promote active veterinary care to create a calming environment by identifying and alleviating pets' fears and anxieties.
AVSAB Position Statement on Positive Veterinary Care.
Every veterinarian visit is a test of your pet's emotions. We should promote active veterinary care to create a calming environment by identifying and alleviating pets' fears and anxieties. Each pet hospital should have a team trained to use gentle techniques to minimize stress. Encourage the owner to participate, learn positive training methods together, and establish happy associations. Keeping the environment comfortable and minimizing sensory stimulation makes every visit a journey of trust between pet and veterinarian. Scan the code to view the complete information and escort the mental health of pets!#vet #petmedical #petdiagnosis