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#Industry News

Win the fight with “unwanted hair” with KRION cryosauna.

Beauty. Whole body cryotherapy helps to prevent fast growth of hair on visible parts of the body

Women know well the problem of "unwanted hair " on the visible areas of feet, over the lip, cheeks, chin, etc. Ladies have to fiercely struggle with it in all possible ways.

Sustainable positive effect can be achieved only by eliminating the causes of the problem.

The ratio of androgens and estrogens in the female body determine the processes of growth and hair loss. Estrogens (female hormones) lengthen the life cycle of hair. For example, during pregnancy, when a woman's body has a high level of estrogen, the hair life cycle is lengthened and the amount of hair is increased.

High level of androgen leads to the increased hair growth on the legs, arms (hirsutism).That what is especially bothering women. Epilation turns to be a forced choice.

Most likely, the above-mentioned reasons and the rapid growth of "unwanted hair" are caused by hormonal imbalance.

Increasing the number of male sex hormones may be caused by the pathology of other endocrine organs such as the pituitary - a gland located behind the bridge of the nose and below the base of the brain, close to the optic nerves, and that produces hormones that control many functions of other endocrine glands; it is often considered the most important part of the endocrine system.

So, we should understand clearly that growth of “unwanted hair” is a signal that serious problems are existing. Hirsutism can be caused by a skin increased sensitivity to the male sex hormone – testosterone.

If you do not identify the reasons and will only be removing excess hair, then you will be struggling with the disease consequences, and continuing painful or not convenient procedures.

What to do?

The answer is obvious. To normalize hormones level and reduce the skin's sensitivity to testosterone. And the Whole Body Cryotherapy in KRION cryosauna is the right method. The organism will identify and correct deviations in all parts of the body, normalize hormones level and reduce the abnormal sensitivity. The reason of accelerated growth of “unwanted hair” will be eliminated.

If you visit systematically an aesthetic cabinet, then it is easy to check. Have 3-4 whole body cryotherapy treatments after your “common execution” and look for the result. If the time till the next “execution” would have prolonged then you additionally had normalized your hormonal level.

All for you, dear Ladies. KRION team


  • St Petersburg, Russia
