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#Industry News

Welcome to the "mediCAD Healthcare Group"

HQIB GmbH acquires a majority stake in mediCAD SRB Software GmbH.

mediCAD’s most important milestone in March 2023 – Harald Quandt Industriebeteiligungen GmbH acquires a majority stake in mediCAD SRB Software GmbH

We are pleased to announce that Harald Quandt Industriebeteiligungen GmbH (HQIB) acquired the majority of mediCAD SRB Software GmbH and its subsidiaries (mediCAD or group) in March 2023!

This acquisition represents an important milestone in the growth of the mediCAD group and enables us to expand our range and offer our customers the best possible solutions. We look forward to provide our customers continuously with the highest quality products and services.

HQIB wants to support mediCAD’s growth strategy as a long-term investment company. With the focus on expanding the software portfolio and further internationalization, especially in North America and Asia, as well as through strategic acquisitions of complementary software solutions and technologies, the group will reach new heights.

Jörn Seel, CEO mediCAD: “HQIB is the well-known, technology-experienced and a long-term partner we were looking for. We are proud of the cooperation!”

Welcome to the "mediCAD Healthcare Group"


  • Opalstraße 54, 84032 Altdorf, Germany
  • mediCAD Hectec