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#Trade Shows & Events

Success at the 18th National Surgical Nursing Congress in Turkey

Microcure in the 18th National Surgical Nursing Congress of Turkey

The 18th National Surgical Nursing Congress of Turkey was successfully concluded in Antalya,Turkey . More than 2200 doctors have attended the Congress, including not only doctors from Turkey, but also those from Kazakhstan, Algeria and other neighbour countries. Microcure team and our agent warmly received all visitors who came to the booth to inquire. Multiple owners or resident doctors from private hospitals expressed their interests in cooperating with us. Two authoritative weight -loss doctors from Istanbul's private hospitals have arranged trials of Microcure’s products next week. Another doctor from Azerbaijan, who possesses 8 private hospitals, has been very interested in all Microcure’s products, and has invited the product manager from our distributor to his hospitals in Azerbaijan to further discuss possibility of cooperation.

After the Congress, our product managers and sales representatives in Turkey will soon visit all the potential clients to do product trainings.

Looking forward to seeing you next year!

Success at the 18th National Surgical Nursing Congress in Turkey


  • Jia Ling Jiang Lu, Hu Qiu Qu, Su Zhou Shi, Jiang Su Sheng, China
  • Microcure Medical