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#Product Trends

SENSOVATION - SensoScope® Real-Time Microscopy Meets Digital Pathology Brightfield

Digital and Workflow Oriented Diagnosis

SensoScope Brightfield is an innovative digital microscopy system for pathology, combining the advantages of a conventional microscope and a modern digital scanner. The SensoScope allows live viewing of specimen and - at the same time - offers all the power of the digital world, including digitizing of full slides in several focus

levels. With this unique concept, SensoScope Brightfield follows the

workflow of the pathologists and also is an ideal tool for telepathology.

SensoScope Brightfield is a fully integrated, motorized digital microscope, ideal for visual examination, digital scanning and analysis of tissue, cells and smears on slides. High-end camera technology provides high resolution in a large field of view.

Side-by-side comparisons of specimen areas within a slide or on different slides are now possible.

Fast real-time remote control and Internet connectivity allow quick

sharing and consultation.

Effective, easy-to-use software for routine pathology and cytology

workflows enables working live with specimens and allows

automated digital scanning.

Features and Benefits

Live Microscopy Mode

- Immediate display of 4 slides simultaneously

- Ultra-rapid zoom-in and zoom-out of areas of

interest (comparable to standard microscope)

using the mouse wheel

- Up to 16 different images can be rapidly

displayed side-by-side, already stored images can be

easily added for comparison

- Snapshots of areas of interest can easily be

stored for analysis in 3rd party analysis


Scanning Mode

- Scan-areas can be defined manually

- Automated scanning based on profiles

- Z-Stacking up to 10 planes

Telepathology compatibility

- Real-time remote microscope control of all

functions in Live Microscopy Mode and

Scanning Mode


- Standard: 2.5x, 10x, 20x, 40x

- Cyto: 1.25x, 2.5x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x

LIMS/HIS/LIS connectivity via Hl7 prepared

Developed and manufactured under ISO 13485

and FDA CFR 820


  • Sensovation
