#Industry News
Special supply of Portable Dental Units for El Salvador - FOSALUD
Supply of Portable Dental Units
The company opened a new strategic business front in Central America with the supply of a
batch of 12 equipment for the government of El Salvador. There are 12 units of the Portable Dental
Unit in partnership with the distributor Hospitalar S.A.
The purpose of this purchase is to expand the structure for medical and dental assistance to
the Salvadoran population, including attending difficult to reach places, one of the Portable
Dental Unit’s main usage characteristics, created to operate in extreme conditions.
Olsen's Commercial Director, Cleber Adir, emphasizes that the service to El Salvador has the
positive aspect of the government's concern to expand health care to the population, mainly
through the action of Fosalud, in addition to providing a new opening for Olsen equipment in
the region, as well as leaving channels opened with the Salvadoran government for new
The Solidarity Fund for Health (Fosalud) was born as part of a tax reform developed in El
Salvador in 2004. The basic idea was to create a fund fed by taxes on products considered
harmful to health to improve and expand health care provided to the population in the health
Currently, Fosalud assures the operation of 160 health units, 64 with 24-hour care and 96 with
medical care for the whole year, including weekends and holidays.
Since its foundation, the fund has been carrying out several actions in support of the Ministry
of Health, among which the presence of pediatricians and gynecologists in health and dental
care units at weekends and holidays; among other initiatives.
In addition to contributing to the improvement of the health of Salvadorans, Fosalud has
generated more than 3,000 jobs for doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, among others.