#Trade Shows & Events
EAES 2023 Ended Successfully
As a manufacturer in the field of endoscopic imaging system, OptoMedic started to be known by people by its fluorescence imaging system.
Its independent R+D really makes it to be the leader in this field, and its contribution to the clinical application of fluorescence imaging under laparoscopy should not be underestimated.
OptoMedic has become the well-known brand in China and keeps receiving praise and attention from domestic and foreign customers endlessly.
During EAES 2023, OptoMedic’s new product Stellar Full-Functional Endoscopic Imaging Platform just impressed to all the visitors. This time, OptoMedic not only shows its strength in fluorescence imaging, but also let the product to tell all that its 4K3D technology also can be the model in the wide field of minimally invasive and endoscopic cutting-edge technologies.
Thanks all the friends come to visit us. Let’s meet next time, and keep looking forward to OptoMedic!