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#Product Trends

Mechanical Properties of Ortholox UHMWPE Cerclage Bands

White Paper on Ortholox UHMWPE Cerclage Bands’ mechanical properties.

We are proud to announce the release of first White Paper about Ortholox UHMWPE Cerclage Bands’ mechanical properties.

The test setup was constructed according to competitor's Polymer Tape tensile strength test. Surprisingly, competitor's team used two semicircular parts which is 10cm outer diameter when brought together. There is no any long bone in this diameter. However, we used 32mm outer diameter cylinder which is most common diameter of diaphyseal part of the femur. We compared the results with the findings of the Polymer Tape test by equalizing the force applied to per millimeter.

Our total displacement value is in between the range of competitor product's total displacement. Which means higher in minimum value and less than maximum displacement value of competitor polymer tape.

According to the actual results of our test, average yield load was 2662,83N = 271Kg. This means, our bands resists till that amount of force and then starts to displace. Minimum yield load was 1918N and maximum was 3345N

Average Failure force (ie. tear/rupture of the band) was 2979,46N. Minimum and maximum forces was recorded as 2144N and 3862N, respectively. Unless falling down from a building or crashing by a vehicle, human body cannot produce such a force from the inside.

Additionally we observed that initial force on the fixture just after turning torque limiter at 5.2N was seen as 479N, but in seconds the force was decreased to 370N which is safe region according to the literature by Lenz et al. "Underneath the cerclage: an ex vivo study on the cerclage-bone interface mechanics"

Applying tension on the fixture


  • Macun, 06374 Yenimahalle/Ankara, Turkey
  • Selcuk Keskinol