The Peter-Osypka-Foundation
A non-profit charitable organization Founded December 1, 1997
The Peter-Osypka-Stiftung is an independent legally incorporated foundation that is dedicated to exceptionally support charitable and beneficient purposes. Most of the larger projects are conducted in cooperation with recognized aid organizations such as Caritas International. Many additional projects support pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons on their missions to help improve the life of patients in regions with underserved medical provisions. Additionally, scientific medical research trials may be supported, especially investigator-initiated studies that focus on the benefit of the patients.
The founder Prof. Peter Osypka Ph.D Ph.D. h.c. has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany, and has been granted the Lorenz-Werthmann Medal of honor from the German Caritas Organization.
You receive a chronological insight into the different activities of the Peter's Osypka foundation here.
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