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#Industry News

OxyHelp – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Aging Patients

HBOT for antiaging

Pure oxygen to stimulate the natural healing process Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions are comfortable and relaxing and all you have to do is breathe pure oxygen inside a chamber with increased atmospheric pressure that enhances the distribution of oxygen through blood capillaries, through tissues, organs, and the brain. Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) has an important role to play in the practice of geriatric medicine. HBO is part of a multidisciplinary approach to the patient with decline of mental function with aging. It works best combined with brain jogging (mental exercises), physical exercise, and nootropic medications (to improve cerebral metabolism). Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is documented to: Stimulate the natural healing process and immunity Boost vitality, heighten concentration and memory Reduce fatigue and improve energy levels, stamina and endurance Improve cell rejuvenation and help with anti-aging strategies Remove the sensation of brain fog and jet lag Fight infections, eliminate toxins and debris Reactivate skin cells and improve blood circulation

elderly hyperbaric chamber


  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Danila Ioan