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#Product Trends

The radio nurse call specialists

Medicare Systems are the industry leaders in the manufacturing and installation of wireless Nurse call systems.

With over 75 years combined experience in wireless radio nurse call, Medicare are the choice of the professionals. Medicare Nurse Call systems and equipment is currently being used in nursing homes, hospitals, hospices and clinics around the world.

The HTM6000, Medicare's latest range of radio nurse call products are designed with aesthetics in mind, while being easy to use and highly durable. Separate systems have been designed to meet the varying requirements of both private and public sectors.

With the facility to cater for between one and unlimited call points the HTM6000 system incorporates the best in wireless radio technology and remains the easiest of all radio nurse call systems to use and maintain.

Year on year Medicare Systems is expanding in all aspects of business; products, staff and customers, allowing them to work with the biggest names in the Care Sector Today. Medicare’s HTM Wireless Nurse Call Systems are used worldwide in nursing homes, specialist Dementia/EMI homes, residential homes, warden controlled complexes, care villages, hospices, privet hospitals and NHS Hospitals. They also have an extensive range of distributors across the world including Finland, Singapore, Russia, Maldives and Ghana.

Whatever your requirements Medicare Systems are able to tailor the system to suit your individual needs and budgets. After installation you will have the reassurance of the Medicare service support team, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


  • 87-89 Sterte Ave W, Poole BH15 2AL, UK
  • Medicare Systems