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#Industry News

Selection of a lung function testing system

A survey was recently commissioned by the medical device manufacturer Medikro GmbH, the manufacturer of the SpiroStar USB, the smallest lung function testing system weighing only 22 grams.

As part of this study, which was conducted by the MIK market research institute, 100 private-practice physicians in Germany were questioned by telephone interview. Among other things, they were asked about the factors that would lead them to select a particular spirometer (lung function measuring device), or possibly to switch to a different manufacturer of such devices.

Reasons for changing to another manufacturer

The most frequent answer (55 percent) given by the surveyed physicians when asked what would be their paramount reason for possibly changing to another spirometer manufacturer was bad service from their present spirometer supplier. Defects in the quality or the reliability of the device, or the need for better quality and performance were only the second most frequent answers, mentioned by 27 percent of respondents. Some other reasons given for changing were the high price of the device or spare parts, and the difficulty of carrying out maintenance.

Important factors

In the overall evaluation of the different attributes considered important by physicians when selecting a lung function testing system, the quality of service was also one of the criteria most often mentioned. From a list of fifteen properties of spirometers, accuracy of results, hygiene and safety and quality of the product were also most often mentioned as very important. Figure 1 shows all fifteen properties and how important they were perceived by responding physicians.


It can be seen that 56% of respondents said that the service offered by a device manufacturer is a decisive criterion for private-practice physicians when selecting a spirometer (lung function measuring device). The high quality of Medikro’s service is complemented by service guarantees; the buyer receives a three-year guarantee when purchasing the company’s devices.


  • Pioneerinkatu 3, 70800 Kuopio, Finland
  • Medikro Oy