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#Product Trends

Ductless Fume Hood Boasts Extra Capabilities

Labconco’s Protector Echo filtered fume hoods line is an energy-efficient hood solution with several features that are unavailable on other ductless filtered hood.

The hoods are intended to work with a broader range of chemicals than other kinds of ductless enclosures. Other advanced features include its sensor package, backup filters and optional g-Guard remote monitoring software. Erlab’s Neutrodine filters are the main filtration component of the hoods. Neutrodine filters are made of a universal filter medium that handles the jobs of more than six other kinds of carbon filters. Remote monitoring and communication are some of the most important aspects of the hood series.

In the event of chemical breakthrough or loss of airflow, an alarm will sound and the communication system will alert a designated email address. The designated safety officer could be made aware of the problem immediately through any Internet-enabled smartphone, tablet or computer. Large laboratories and labs where a single safety officer must handle multiple concerns will benefit most from this proactive safety system. The series is available in 4, 5, 6 and 8’-wide models with a 30” interior depth.


  • 2500 Liberty Bell Road, Fort Scott, KS 66701, United States
  • Labconco Corporation