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#Product Trends

ESP Award Nominee: Patient Safety Gear Inc.'s PICC Line Sleeve

Product Category: Safety

The PICC LINE SLEEVE is placed on the patient’s arm that has the PICC line inserted. It is worn on the forearm or slightly higher near the line dressing. It was designed at the request of several hospitals to alert staff that a PICC Line (PERIPHERALLY INSERTED CENTRAL CATHETER) is in place and to avoid taking blood pressures or starting an IV in that arm. Hospital satisfaction has been excellent! PICC Sleeves are available in regular and extra large sizes. New MID LINE Sleeve also available!

What sets this product apart from similar ones on the market today?

The first of its kind, the PICC Line Sleeve alerts staff with its bright orange color and bold white lettering, making it hard to miss.


  • Boca Raton, FL, USA
  • Patient Safety Gear Inc.