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Bair Paws Make Patient Warming Versatile

The 3M™ Bair Paws™ flex gown adds a new dimension to patient warming – versatility.

With integrated 3M™ Bair Hugger™ upper and lower body blankets, the Bair Paws flex gown offers broad clinical flexibility in a practical, economic package – one single-use warming solution that can cover nearly any perioperative warming requirement.

Easily incorporated into the pre-surgical routine, the Bair Paws flex gown makes an ideal prewarming solution. Patients will appreciate the immediate control over their own warmth and comfort—enhancing their surgical experience—while also enjoying the clinical benefits of prewarming. Actively warming patients before anesthesia induction is an effective way to help prevent intraoperative hypothermia in many surgical cases.

The Bair Paws flex gown is available in three sizes and three packaging configurations – gown only, gown with booties and the gown kit, which includes the Bair Paws flex gown, booties, personal belongings bag, shoe bag and bonnet.


  • 1 Morley Street, Loughborough LE11 1EP, United Kingdom
  • 3M Health Care