#Industry News
Patient-Centric, Smart Quality Controls for Immunoassays
Quality Control
In 2022, an updated version of ISO15189 was released, placing an emphasis on risk management with the aim of mitigating risk to patients. This updated document means that rigorous quality control (QC) procedures are more important than ever.
ISO15189:2022 cites the use of third-party controls with commutable matrices manufactured to provide concentrations close to clinical decision limits, among others, as crucial considerations. ISO15189:2022 also highlights the importance of identifying and minimising errors in the pre-analytical process. ‘Load & Go’ or ‘Smart’ quality controls are becoming increasingly popular in laboratories around the world to realise this objective.
Smart controls are designed to optimise laboratory workflows, allowing laboratorians to load the control onto an instrument where it can remain until its expiry date, bringing several advantages to laboratories who run immunoassays.