#Product Trends
Rimed is proud to present its 7th generation TCD product : Digi-One™
Digi-One™ provides a complete diagnostic solution for the modern Neurosonology or Neurovascular laboratory.
Digi-One™ measures the blood flow velocity in the main arteries of the brain, non-invasively, facilitating the detection of stenosis and emboli flowing in the blood stream.
Key Features & Benefits
Product is user-friendly, intuitive and simple to operate.
Offers an optional imaging probe for complete and accurate color-coded ultrasound scanning of the Carotid system.
Each 2 MHz probe can insonate the brain in 64 different depths/gates at the same time, displaying 8 different Doppler spectrum windows simultaneously.
Short examination time and increased probability to detect pathologies.
Includes an advanced 2-layer, user-configured reporting system:
Summary Screen enabling the immediate comparison between the right and the left sides of the brain.
Final Patient Report includes several segments and provides a detailed and customizable comprehensive "picture" for the referring physician.
A complete array of monitoring studies including Vasomotor Reactivity Test (VMR) and CO2 Reactivity Test. Studies can be saved and easily replayed on the Digi-Lite™ LCD display.
Dedicated and well established emboli detection software.
Can detect flow velocity at the contra- lateral side of the brain with its high Doppler sensitivity.
Fully portable and mobile machine enabling operation through the touch screen alone.
Offers a complete range of probes including 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 4 MHz, 8 MHz and 16 MHz probes, each with a separate connector.