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#Industry News

Create an industrial ethylene oxide sterilization facility in Europe.

The important points to know about the creation of an EtO industrial sterilization plant.

Are you thinking to build an ethylene oxide sterilization plant to sterilize medical devices such as syringes, catheters, …?

We show you the main key points to take into account to obtain a complete and safe installation:

• The standards to fulfill for an industrial ethylene oxide sterilization establishment - ATEX Directive for example.

• The main equipment for a complete EtO sterilization facility: Autoclave, gas room, air purification system, pre-conditioning and degassing cells, etc.

• Staff training.

• ....

RSD, specializing in ethylene oxide sterilization, helps you in your projects all over the world to offer you the best solutions, always guaranteeing safety.


  • Carrer Horts d'en Mateu, 26, 08450 Llinars del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain
  • RSD