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RWD TriColor Multichannel Fiber Photometry System R820 for Neural Signal Regulation

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A new powerful fiber photometry system with an integrated lightweight body and richer software features can record red&green fluorescence signal, such as GCaMP, RCaMP, dLight, and jrGECO1a, while a unique 410nm LED is used to acquire control signals and exclude noise.

The fiber photometry system records changes in the fluorescence intensity of neurons in a specific brain area to reflect neuronal population activity. R820 has three wave lengths, 410nm, 470nm and 560nm, of which 410 is used to acquire reference signal and eliminate noise.

Main Applications:

1. Ca2 + and neurotransmitter signal detection

2.Study the function of neural circuits

3.Explore the mechanisms of neurological diseases

4.Develop new fluorescent sensor probe

5.Experiment of optical principle


Fiber photometry is a technology to detecting the activity of neurons in the brain nucleus of freely moving animals. It sums up the overall fluorescence of neurons expressing a genetically encoded calcium indicator(GECI) and neurotransmitter probes. It can be used to explore the regulatory mechanisms behind animal behavior.

In fiber photometry, data are collected by analyzing the fluorescence change (ΔF) relative to the initial baseline fluorescence (F) and observing the signal change corresponding to the calcium transient (ΔF/F). These metrics are usually based on fluorophores such as GFP, RFP, tdTomato, mCherry, etc., of which GCaMP is the most common example.

In neurons, calcium ions regulate several important processes, including neurotransmitter release and membrane excitability. GCaMP can provide critical insight into calcium dynamics, as GCaMP fluoresces only when bound to calcium ions. Based on similar principles, fiber photometry systems can also detect changes in the concentration of neurotransmitters.

(Neurotransmitter probes – cpEGFP is embedded in a specific neurotransmitter receptor, and the binding of the receptor to the neurotransmitter triggers a conformational change in the receptor to convert to a fluorescent signal, and this genetically encodable probe is expressed in cells or mouse brain by viral injection, transfection, and other technical means.)


1. Integrates data acquisition, analysis & plotting

Bonsai software and MATLAB programming are not required. Data analysis includes data clipping, bleaching correction, smoothing, movement correction, event heat map, peak statistics, and area under curve and heat map of behavior trajectory.

2. Multiple Behavioral Events Synchronize & Mark

The software can synchronize and mark multiple special behavioral events or external input signals during the experiment.

3. More Accurate Signal, Avoid Interference

Dual highly sensitive detectors enabling independent and sequential detection to avoid interference of fluorescence excitation and detection, acquiring more accurate signal. The 410nm light source can be used to reflect the background noise signal, thus ensuring the acquisition of true fluorescence data.

4. Easy Connection to Other Equipment

4-input and 4-output interface for easy connection with other equipment such as optogenetics and electrophysiology for the closed-loop study of stimulation and recording.

5. 9 Channels Support

Support up to 9 channels, suitable for simultaneous experiment of multiple animals or multiple brain locations


Wavelength of excitation light: 410nm 470nm 560nm

Power: Min 0µW, Max≥100µW, adjustable with an accuracy of 0.1µW

Number of channels: 9

Frame rate of fluorescent sampling: Max 300fps

Digital signal interface: 4Input 4Output

Signal output: Output frequency 0-500Hz, adjustable output pulse width and duration

Marking: Manual marking (10), automatic marking (4), ROI marking (9)

Behavior camera: 1920*1080(30fps) 1280*720(60fps) Switchable among multiple frame rates of resolution

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  • Da Shi Yi Lu, Xi Li, Nanshan Qu, Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China
  • RWD Life Science Co.,LTD