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#Product Trends

Tianlong’s Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit

Tianlong Technology (a subsidiary of KHB) participated in the QCMD's global Poxviruses EQA pilot study for Monkeypox Detection Kit in 2022, and this product successfully achieved a 100% pass rate!

As #monkeypox cases surge in South Africa, the World Health Organization (#WHO) has raised its

response level to the highest tier. In the face of this global public health challenge, Tianlong is

committed to contributing Chinese expertise and solutions to the fight against the outbreak.

Tianlong’s Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit, based on fluorescent PCR technology,

offers an advanced #one-tube method with a sensitivity of 200 copies/mL. This rapid detection

system can deliver results within 40min, providing a robust tool for early screening and precise

control of the monkeypox virus.

In 2022, our Monkeypox Detection Kit participated in the global Poxviruses EQA pilot study

organized by QCMD and successfully achieved a 100% pass rate (as shown in Figure 2).

Additionally, the kit has also obtained CE certification from the EU and MHRA registration from

the UK.

Tianlong has been contributing to the prevention and control of monkeypox infections in over 10

countries, including Spain, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Jordan, Indonesia, and Greece. Stay tuned

for more updates as we continue to empower global public health with our innovative solutions.

Learn more:


#Tianlong #IVD #PCR #Health #MolecularDiagnostics #GeneticTesting


  • Shanghai, China
  • Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering Co., Ltd.
