#Product Trends
Today is Type 1 Diabetes Day
Today is Type 1 Diabetes Day
#Type1diabetes was once called insulin-dependent or juvenile #diabetes, but it can develop at any age. An estimated 8.4 million people were living with Type 1 Diabetes (#T1D) across the globe in 2021. Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes, but it can be treated successfully by:
√ Following your doctor’s recommendations for living a healthy lifestyle.
√ Managing your #bloodsugar.
√ Getting regular health checkups.
√ Getting diabetes self-management education and support.
As a national high-tech enterprise that provides all kinds of diagnostic solutions, #KHB and #TianLong provide chronic disease detection solutions, covering diabetes detection items, providing high-quality services for customer health management.
KHB Clinical Chemistry Testing Menu - Pancreas
• α-Amylase Kit [α-AMY]
• Lipase Kit [LPS]
• Pancreas Amylase Assay Kit [P-AMY]
KHB Clinical Chemistry Testing Menu - Glycometabolism
• Glucose Kit [GLU]
• Hemoglobin A1c Assay Kit [HbA1c]
• β-Hydroxybutyric Acid Test Kit [D3H]
• Free Fatty Acid Assay Kit [NEFA]
• Glycated Albumin Assay Kit [GA]
KHB CLIA Reagent Test Menu - Glycometabolism
• Insulin Quantitative Detection KIT [INS]
• Connecting Peptide Quantitative Detection KIT [C-P]
TianLong Personalized Medication in Diabetes (SNP.U1M)
• Detect target gene locations: C11orf65, KCNJ11, CYP2C9, PPARG, SLC30A8, IRS1, etc.
Check your blood sugar periodically and adhere to your treatment regimen.
Learn more: https://www.skhb.com/en/
#KHB #Biotech #IVD #Diagnostics #Biochemistry #ClinicalChemistry #lmmunoassay #ELISA #CLIA #Analyzer #Reagent #TestKit #Pancreas #Glycometabolism #Diabetes #Type1DiabetesDay