#Product Trends
KHB clinical chemistry reagents
we also provide tailored bottle of reagents for Beckman Coulter, Hitachi, Roche, etc. range of chemistry analyzers
#KHB offers an extensive range of clinical chemistry reagents which are internationally recognized as being of high quality; producing accurate results. We have an extensive test menu of more than 100 assays, covering Liver Function, Renal Function, Blood Lipid, Specific Protein, Myocardium, Pancreas, Electrolyte, Glycometabolism, Tumor Marker assays, etc. to suit your needs.
KHB's ZY Series and Polaris Series Fully Automatic Clinical Chemistry Analyzer are open systems, used in conjunction with our brand system-pack of #chemistry reagents, the accuracy of the results can be guaranteed.
Besides reagents for our own chemistry analyzers, we also provide tailored bottle of reagents for Beckman Coulter, Hitachi, Roche, etc. range of chemistry analyzers. Flexible package sizes can be customized according to your requirements. We have collaborated with #Hitachi to provide specialized #reagents for Hitachi LST systems, which have been well received in China.
Applicable Models
Beckman Coulter
AU 400, AU 480, AU 600, AU 640, AU 680, AU 1000, AU 2700, AU 5400, AU5800
7020, 7060, 7080, 7100, 7170, 7180, 7600, LABOSPECT 003, LABOSPECT 008
Modular Analytics EVO, COBAS INTEGRA 400plus/800, COBAS 6000/8000
Aeroset, ARCHITECT c8000, ARCHITECT c16000
Accute TBA-40FR, Accute TBA-120FR, Accute TBA-2000FR
CHEMIX-180/800, JCA-BM6010/C
Dimension RxL Max/Xpand Plus, ADVIA1200/1650/1800/2400
Learn more: https://www.skhb.com/en/
#Biotech #IVD #Diagnostics #ClinicalChemistry #Biochemistry #Reagent #Analyzer #TestKit #Innovation